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Old 28-07-2015, 07:37 AM
annabelle239 annabelle239 is offline
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How to raise the vibration of new apartment?

I am in the process of moving and the place is a downgrade from the one I have. It was a decision made for several reasons,and one of them is it'd be nice to save the money from cheaper rent to use for other things and saving up/etc and what's really important is to do more of the things you want to do vs have a super nice home however this is the worst apartment i've ever had. Naturally,i would expect to be slightly disappointed since I LOVED the apartment i'm moving out of and when ifirst moved here,felt such a high vibe/healing energy here. I'm actually emotional about moving from here though i know it's right and time. I will just miss how much of a healing oasis this place was,though it had it's downsides,one being i ended up going out a lot less here and somehow this place i went out the least of any apartment i have lived in so i am hoping and have a feeling the new place will attract me to go out more. I just have a feeling it will be since it's more west which is a side i feel more "alive" and "home" by and it's right 2 blocks from the train

I know it sounds "superstitious" but i feel each apartments tend to carry a slightly different energy that plays a part in my life so the apartment i'm moving from was very high vibe and healing and faciliated in my life alot of healing experiences and learning new tools to boost my happiness but also was where i hardly went out. The apartment before that felt very "fated" and had a lot of dejavu and had a poorer money vibration and made me feel more poor and also felt like the most chilling place i lived. The place before that was cozy,and a first on my own apartment and was really nice,inexpensive,and simple but so far from everything to do. No distinguishing vibes stand out,just remember feeling safest living there.I would go on long leisurely walks that since leaving there,i've never since gone on.

I have never felt sad though moving into a new place,and now I do. I really think it's because it's such a downgrade and want to try to change the energy of the place. Any ideas? I already have started a moving ritual and will burn sage,but any other ideas?

"Change is the only constant."
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