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Old 04-04-2021, 11:16 PM
jro5139 jro5139 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2016
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Posts: 987
Originally Posted by Greenslade
When I worked in mental health one of my clients went into a full-blown episode, I had to trap her into a corner to stop her from running out of the building and onto a very busy main road. She sat in a corner in a puddle of het own urine, screaming and looking at me as though I was the devil incarnate come to take her away. That was caused not by deamons but chemical imbalances in the brain because her medications were late.
It seems like you are saying that demons are our own projections and not real. I would have to disagree, as I have witnessed a woman become full on possessed. She levitated, spoke in an ancient language, voice changed, eyes changed, etc. She did stuff that we are not capable of doing to ourselves. I also felt the presence of the demon in the room, although it did not have a physical body of it's own. She likely attracted it to herself, but it was most definitely a separate being from her.
Anyway, that was the moment when I knew the spirit realm was real beyond any doubt.
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