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Old 17-12-2020, 10:55 PM
Posts: n/a
religion is complex, God is simple. All religion including spirituality ones have the same issue, looking for God where it will never be. In order to seek God for real you have to be alone, you can't be under the influence of any human knowledge. Another main issue is they look toward death, but death is meaningless, it is not required or a ticket to Heaven. There is only this moment that we're in right now, there is no past or future or time. People have an inherent need for complexity, God is too simple for them.

It's like when you see someone flipping out but you're watching them calmly because you don't have anything to do with what's wrong with them. That's kind of how we look to God. But it's a larger scale then that because God is much greater than us. We're so small nothing we do or think really matters. It's like how we don't care what an ant thinks, divinity doesn't care what we think.
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