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Old 06-05-2021, 09:29 PM
Posts: n/a
Hi, I remember you wrote about this dilemma before, thank you for giving the complete story and the ending to it, I hope too you have now found peace with it and be happy in your life.

I have thought forth and back about someone in my life who possess two distinguish energies and a reminder of physical looks of someone showing up in regressions before.(I have begun to experience the weird fact that I see people in my dreams and states before meeting them later in real life). Landing from this person only being a reminder, to me being ovesensitive to those two energies/mood swings of the person in question. I could finally draw one conclusion after having asked help with this to the spirit world. This person is part of my widened soulgroup and in one life time something just terrible happened, but because of it this person has transformed to help others, have a calling, in this life time. Thus it had to happen in order for this person to do good in this life (not that this person was rotten in that past life). The time has come.
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