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Old 28-09-2022, 03:00 AM
Posts: n/a
The way i see it having a good understanding of metaphy and spirituality as well as how this matrix is set up we go to where we're supposed to go in accordance to our belief(s) and how we vibrate overall.

In regards to the matrix they are the various heavens (also called dimensions) where Saturn is the seventh heaven and the heaven of "God"! Beyond the matrix is Orion (dark matter or 22% material), beyond this is a veil or boundary and beyond this boundary is the spiritual universe (dark energy or 72% energetic) where there are no atoms and only pure spirit exists!

The only reason its dark is because we are cut off from this part of creation because of our limited senses and are taught and told that beyond the matrix or the physical universe nothing exists! However the spiritual realm is where "all" of us spirited humans come from!
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