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Old 12-12-2019, 09:25 AM
Showlin Showlin is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2019
Posts: 6

So much has happened since I posted this,long story short,I stopped taking all of my herbal medicines,and focused on a excercise routine everyday. I still have not taken any(with the exception of Hemp Oil and Honey everyday). Surprisingly enough,the result has not been horrendous,but rather quite bearable. I got back on a moderate dosage of medicine previously prescribed,and it has been a painful and strenuous challenge,but I have managed to recover at least to a adequate degree,so that I can function daily. I have access to Chiropractic and Hearing doctors now,and plan to fully utilize them,because I am still suffering from mild back pain and experience bleeding\pain in my ears. I have also managed to gain 30 Lbs,both of fat and muscle,and still have about 10lbs to go before I reach my maximum weight,and now that winter is here,I look forward to working out,and practicing Water Qigong for the duration of the Season(Winter is associated with the Kidneys in TCM,so now is also a perfect time to work on healing and strengthening them). However,as im sure you all know,now more than any other time would be critical for my immune system,so I intend on taking all of the herbal medicine I was previously taking and plan to keep investing in more as I can afford them. Along with this,I am planning on starting a Full Body Detox,and have heard that it can be very extreme. Just as always,my health is a work in progress but as a result of forcing myself to excercise and practice Qigong everyday,I am in a much better position to function and focus on rebuilding my health. In addition with Therapy and Pharmaceuticals,and dedicating much more of my day practicing Qigong,Yoga,and Muscle-Building exercises,I am positive that I can rebuild my health to top quality,and be able to finally live the rest of my life at the highest quality possible while not worrying about health issues getting the way.

I still have much research to do in reguarding all Herbs(and combinations of them) for the Immune system,but in the meantime, am applying all that i learn so that I have the strongest Immune system possible. I will admit that it is quite tedious to take so much medication without fail everyday,but i find it fun and exciting,as general heath regarding the Immune System has only upside.
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