Thread: My youngest son
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Old 30-08-2020, 08:13 AM
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Originally Posted by lomax
You have no right to install such infos to a child.You'll drag him to seek for them and god knows what will happen.
Hi Lomax ... I do not think you were meaning to be offensive , I think you were just being blunt because of your own experience with the numbers , which I fully understand ,as you have discussed this issue before..... With regard to the young lad. Most 12 year old boys would rather be hanging out with their mates, playing video games etc, and would not have any interest in "numbers".. even if you "tried" to teach them it, it would fall on deaf ears. But this boy is clearly "aware" at a young age, and being shown things... For a reason. It would be wrong of his parents to "sweep it under the carpet" and brush it off as "nothing". I feel that would do more harm than good. He needs to know the meaning of it all as he continues his journey... I had no-one, from being a very little girl , to guide me, and so I was confused and lonely , and even a little bit "lost" on my journey growing up..... It can be difficult, as I know you DO know..
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