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Old 05-12-2018, 11:54 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Altair
I get a bit sad from reading your replies here...
Although I can sympathize that you'd prefer to be alone if you were hurt..

Some of the best moments in my life was when I had a good time with friends, and despite going different ways years later those memories I cherish very much.

I disagree with this dichotomy that you're either lonely, intelligent, and spiritual... or non-spiritual, unsophisticated, and have friends (that apparently aren't ''friends'' according to some in the former group!). Yes! there are people on these extremes.. no doubt!
You may disagree with these adjectives/classifications but they haven’t arisen for nothing and are useful to communicate comparisons. They can be extended ad naus: artistic, musical, humorous etc. As you go on to say, they’re continua (usually between opposites) and it’s the areas of resonance along them that bring people together as friends usually without deliberate analysis! However, they do exist as describable qualities.

But it's really what we make of it ourselves!! You can have your spiritual experiences and practices and you can have friends.
Lets have a bit of faith in humanity? There are so many shades and colours in between the two extremes..

I can't think anyone would dispute what you've said, and I suppose it's a matter of definition - something unresolvable because definition would be unique to the individual.
However, alone doesn't equal lonely. Some people are happy with their own company. For some whose days can get chaotic, a little solitude is respite. Like, I had to edit this post this morning because I kept getting interrupted late last night by "friends" who decided that phoning close to midnight was preferable to the afternoon. Ok, they knew they'd catch me in but...
Not that I'd class them as "real" friends. One of them said "I was bored so I thought I'd call...." Talk about diplomacy and I said "Don't tell me I'm the backstop to your boredom!" "No, I didn't mean that....!" (So why say it?) and on.

Thanks for your response and it just enriches the discussion here.


Last edited by Lorelyen : 06-12-2018 at 09:32 AM. Reason: interrupted before completing the post
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