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Old 01-09-2023, 11:57 AM
AncestralEchoes AncestralEchoes is offline
Join Date: Feb 2023
Posts: 41
I work with animal guides a lot as part of my spiritual practice. Paying attention to the animals that appear, especially if the sightings are frequent or unusual, can be a great reflection on personal issues and a tremendous source of wisdom and hope. I use a totem deck and have worn out my copy of "Animal Speak" by Ted Andrews. My totem animal is a pileated woodpecker, and invariably one will announce itself or appear on all my forays into nature. Most people say they seldom see this magnificent bird, but I have had so many up close and unusual interactions it's clearly my primary guide.

As you become aware and open to the messages, the right animals seem to appear when needed, as illustrated in Lynn's story. I recently lost a pet and was grieving my companion on a morning walk (which we always took together). A robin appeared and literally WALKED the entire way with me, just as my dog had for years. I've never had a bird stay on the ground and walk beside me like that before. When I looked up the meaning of the robin, among other things, they represent lost loved ones and will often appear as a sign that your loved one is still with you.

Pretty reassuring.
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