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Old 08-05-2020, 11:00 AM
Posts: n/a
Hi.. my account of "last night". Same old same old. Get into a nice cool crisp bed , think " ohhh...this is lovely".. for all of 5 seconds before "heat" kicks in. Covers flung across bed, oscillsting fan on. I'm lucky that my other half works late, so I have the luxury of being able to throw a leg and an arm onto "his" side to feel the coolness. Then it's a case of getting comfy. Sometimes I can, sometimes I can't. Last night I couldn't. It's as though even 2 minutes in same position tells my joints , pressure points etc that I have been laid on them for years, such is the aching/ burning etc. I turn like a pig on a spit every few minutes, left side, back, right side, back etc etc and so it goes on for hours. If I can manage to get comfy at all my mind drifts. I invent beds. Beds made for those that are going through awakening, beds created to rock you to sleep, that have holes running through base, that create the illusion you are sleeping on a cloud . If I am lucky I nod off. If not I ponder on things like "why does the word Friday suddenly sound wrong"... This will always keep me entertained for an hour or so. And then of course there's the water issue. I have to go to bed with a big glass of water in order to quench thirst during night.. but this in itself poses problems.The obvious one being ""what if a spider falls in it through the night and I drink it?""....This fact alone can have one awake for days, nay weeks even , going through all the possibilities. And yes I did in fact create an invention. I merely put a sheet of kitchen towel over top of from said spider . Except that doesn't work now as oscillating fan blows kitchen towel off glass. But hey ho .... So last night was thinking ..."welcome to your will never sleep"... And maybe the clue is in the title!!!!!!
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