Thread: Can't settle
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Old 21-08-2022, 03:01 PM
Hemera Hemera is offline
Join Date: Nov 2016
Posts: 506
Can't settle

I feel like I can't settle to any belief system in particular, or even one way of living my life.

I think it's because I see truth in all approaches, all systems, but a lot of flaws as well.

I feel so worn out and exhausted. I know I'm going wrong somewhere by this endless pursuit of wanting/needing to find an approach that I completely resonate with. There are so many....but nothing feels just right.

Something tells me to go back to myself. I've always been on an inner path so maybe I'm like the circle trying to fit into the world (square). I don't belong here or at least never felt that way. I'm highly likely on the autism spectrum which may play a part but mainly it's a strong sense that my view of the world doesn't ever fit in with how others view it.

I know my thoughts, beliefs and emotions aren't me. I know they are passing energy forms and I don't need to attach to any of them. I feel like I'm trying to cling to something and there's nothing.

Can anyone relate to this ramble?
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