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Old 29-09-2019, 12:32 AM
Mystic Mark Mystic Mark is offline
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 542
Originally Posted by sky123
No I am not referring to Sunyata MM, maybe SW is and I've misunderstood. All these different labels from different Buddhists Schools that basically mean the same can be confusing so I generally try to explain the way I experience things rather than get to weighed down with the labels.....

Pure Awareness is as you say ... a State. I wouldn’t say that “Empty Conceptualization” defines Pure Awareness. It’s simply one of the many ways for helping a person achieve such a State.

For example, I practice Yoga. Your more into Taoism. Of coarse, the Movements in the Yoga Asanas are going to seem so much different from the Movements of Chi Gong or whatever discipline that you practice. But I’m sure that part of the goal of the Movements for you is Pure Awareness ... apart from the understanding of Empty Conceptualization.

However, because our two disciplines are so different, your way for understanding how to do this, for example, might have something to do with the Taoist Symbols for the Elements. Whereas, I might come to some conclusion that the best way for moving forth into each of the Yoga Asanas is to do so as a Warrior.

Different Yolks for different Folks. lol
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