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Old 24-05-2022, 09:59 AM
FairyCrystal FairyCrystal is offline
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I'm not entirely sure what's going on with people but it seems many are highly irritable, irate, taking things out on others, minding other people's business etc. etc.
Maybe it has to do with Mercury Rx and people reacting strongly to that? Maybe something else, I don't know.

To me it's odd as I'm doing great at the moment, I feel very inspired and am enthusiastically working on finishing things that have been waiting for that for years. Like 2 paintings, my 3rd novel etc.
So while I am clearly on a high note, others seem to be on a low reactive one.

From what I've noticed here and elsewhere it's mostly miscommunication -which would indicate Merc Rx- and if people had been clear there'd be no problem whatsoever.

I'm thinking it's a good time to count to 10 before reacting, and for the ones that don't feel irritable a good time to spread some positive vibes!
And bear in mind if it is indeed Merc Rx, or the solar flares that Celia Fenn spoke of, it'll pass.

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