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Old 27-08-2022, 04:24 AM
Posts: n/a
Dreams are not what you think they are, but then again neither is this world or reality. Nothing is as it seems to be, we only "think" it is. Dreams can be many different things depending on the dreamer, but for most, they represent the true language of how we communicate out of body. They represent how images can create a story and even stir feelings. They're how we create our lives and how life is created. If you keep a dream journal, it is easy to see how your dreams represent your reactions to things going on in your life and things that occurred during your waking state. For example, if you got cut off in traffic and got angry, a dream might show you a completely different set up or scenario that creates or involves the same reaction in a different manner. Sometimes, these are first person viewpoints and other times 3rd person, but they all serve a purpose and do not represent alternative realities.
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