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Old 09-08-2022, 05:14 PM
iamthat iamthat is offline
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Location: Golden Bay, New Zealand
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Originally Posted by asearcher
However, what I do not understand is why are we being reborn with spirits that we have already unfinished business with and once this life time is done with we have even more so because either neither of us or one of us has not evolved enough to fix that? ...Or are we seriously being thrown on this earth to have the same fight if not the even worse fight than before ...?
But how can we evolve to the point where we can fix any unfinished business with others if we avoid all contact with those who challenge us?

Spending time with people we are in harmony with is very pleasant, but where is the learning? Where is the evolution?

We learn far more from having to deal with those we find difficult. They push our buttons and bring things to the surface. And maybe one day we realise that they are just reflecting some aspect of ourselves.

And it is not exactly the same fight as before because it is a new turn of the spiral of evolution. Neither we nor they are exactly the same as the previous time we fought. Some learning must have taken place since then.

You seem to be saying that we should enjoy the benefits of learning without needing to go through the process of learning.

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