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Old 22-09-2020, 02:28 PM
LoveWater LoveWater is offline
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Originally Posted by BigJohn
Why not post channeling you get from ArchAngel Michael in the Channeling Forum right here?

In the thread pasted below, I posted a message that I channeled from my Guides and AA Michael.

Channeled messages of light and love:
  • Be compassionate with yourself and be kind to yourself. You've been through SO much in life, and you've fought many battles thus far. You are a warrior spirit -- keep fighting to make it through. And you will.
  • Heal your wounds through the gifts of kindness and love from others. Embrace those who care for you and those who show love for you, and give them your caring heart in return. The blessings will be manifold.
  • The gift of giving helps heal and mend a broken heart and spirit. Never forget this.
  • Be true to your authentic self and spirit. Never betray your own truth. Stand strong in your beliefs and values. Don't let others sway you, even if theirs differs. Be YOU.
  • Remain on the path of self-improvement. It will bring you greater happiness and satisfaction in life.
  • Never let negative life experiences destroy your spirit, your sense of self worth or your self esteem. Allow each life experience, the good and the bad, to teach you something of value. Move forward, taking these gems and lessons with you. You are a better person for every experience you have, which are meant to help your soul's growth.
  • Reach for the stars and allow yourself to dream big. Don't let anyone crush your dreams.
  • Above all else, love yourself fully. You are beautiful just as you are.
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