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Old 04-09-2015, 03:41 AM
SRQ Healer
Posts: n/a
Interesting post. Here is what I have experienced. recognizing another healer is difficult at best. Sure you can see that maybe someone has gifts, but not all are healers. As an empath and healer this is what I have experienced. When I meet someone who is a healer or empath I can see in to their souls by looking directly in to their eyes, I know this because I will cry when I recognize their soul and they see mine as they cry too!

Other people I can see their auras or just their magnetic fields, usually the healers have huge auras and magnetic fields that will stand out from a crowd. When I enter a room people who can see immediately know I am a healer.

Teak, you should learn how to ground yourself before you take on someones junk. If you are a true empath you need to learn how to protect yourself and to ground it is very very important, I can not stress this enough! Don't go to the school of hard knocks!
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