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Old 21-01-2021, 10:55 PM
neil neil is offline
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: ♡AUSTRALIA♡
Posts: 1,466
It is today as it always has been.

God transforms the individual Soul of man, when the individual man has a truthful desire to become transformed.

Only through having a truthful unconditional love for the heavenly Christ entity, AND, the same love & respect for his laws of love, coupled with a truthful desire to become transformed into a child of the Heavenly Father Christ entity, will see an individual slowly transformed into a christed being.

This is exactly what the christ entity desires.
And if we do not have that love & respect for the Christ entity & his laws of love, then we are LITERALLY telling him that we prefer to not be a part of the family & nor do we want to be a part of the kingdom.

When we "firstly", unconditionally love the christ entity, we love & respect his laws of love.
AND when we love & respect his laws of love, we then can secondly have, an unconditional love & respect for our neighbors, as we would also have for ourselves.

When an individual loves the christ entity & follows the christ entities laws of love, coupled with a desire to become transformed.
the individual is obviously loving & respecting every part of the one & only spiritual universe.
And this is a truthful desire, to become transformed into a christed being.

""All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.""

A prophet can be determined a number of ways.
Truth is though, it also mentions "all the law".
God's "law" that is set in motion, knows the heart/mind of the individual person. God does not need to hear your desire to be transformed.

Like the natural law of the spiritual universe... "reap as one sows", which does work "UNTO ITSELF" without god having to lift a finger.
Likewise is another law, that is also set in motion, is a law that knows the Heart/mind of an individual, who desires to become a divine being, instead of remaining a being of the Natural Love.
"AND" this other law also "WORKS UNTO ITSELF"

This law is different from the "reap as one sows" law.
This law mentioned here ""All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.""

The law mentioned, knows your truthful desire, & sets the allegorical "PROPHET" into action, And the allegorical prophet "works unto itself" & is literally "speaking for God" a Prophet does.

When people are miss informed by church leaders, who expound the biblical scriptures. These church leaders do not truly know the interpretation & meaning of words such as prophet.

Most words in biblical scripture were not used 2000 years ago, and the true meaning have been lost through time.
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