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Old 25-02-2023, 02:34 AM
FallingLeaves FallingLeaves is offline
Join Date: Mar 2014
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Originally Posted by Maisy
I think "learning" may go on forever in some way. It's not like we reach some point where we know everything or have all the answers.
yeah that was one of the biggest lessons I had to learn... that I'm just not going to have all the answers... in some ways it just wouldn't be allowed. Freeing in a way though to not have to continue trying to find the one true 'answer' to life... that was one of the turning points where my whole life changed...

the big thing for me, right now, is understanding i don't entirely know what I will want off in the future.... so I'm doing a lot of learning to navigate the now...

I think we can be very different from others as far as why we are here and what we are here to do or learn or work on or experience obviously as our own experiences can vary greatly from each other.

i sometimes feel like i'm behind a one-way mirror - i can empathize with the experiences of most other people (even rogues) but haven't yet found anyone who can empathize with mine lol... but i'm thinking any more maybe the expectation that I could actually find such a thing is a bit much, maybe there is another way to live lol...
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