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Old 21-11-2020, 11:12 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by 7luminaries
So...if I want to address this in the way that I would with Daz, we would begin with the assumption that we are both more or less centred in this moment in awakened heart, with awakened mind in service to heart.

If we are not starting from this place of understanding, it could be more challenging to address the lack of synchronicity in our perceptions or even use of terms. I get that you are addressing and speaking to one aspect of the discussion.

For myself, I am speaking about the "concrete" experience of what you might call psychic sensory development in spirit. The development of many of these perceptive means of apprehension in the so-called intangible realm of consciousness and spirit is a personal thing, and if and when desired or attained, it is always oriented to your own personal journey.

For myself, I am not nearly as attuned to abstract discussions of spiritual experience without personal engagement (and ideally also concrete forms of spiritual sensory perception). I do get that many others rely more on presence (which I also get) and feelings, some of which are very abstract, when they connect with spirit. But it is a very different way of experiencing the world. I always seek to integrate, centre, and bring it down to the concrete level of who are you in this moment, and how do you live, act, and speak day-to-day? How does this align with whatever it is that you profess or believe? Whether spiritual, ethical, moral, etc., as really it's all one and the same, ultimately.

Peace & blessings

I "see" it from both sides of the coin. I'm fully aware of and don't dismiss the experience of mind-body as I would a dream, and at the same time I'm palpably aware of That which witnesses the experience of mind-body. The prior is rather easy to relate, the latter not so easy.

Aside from the mundane experiences of embodied being I've also had paranormal experiences, most minor that I could write off to coincidence and bias if they weren't so frequent and a handful not so minor.

I think some of the rub is a perception the impersonal experience somehow invalidates the personal experience, however I don't see it that way. As I see it that impersonal experience is present for all of us, though perhaps not recognized. I "see" It as That. It's the Extraordinary masquerading as the ordinary. God playing at being not God. How can I dismiss God simply because It's wearing a mask?