Thread: feminine energy
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Old 01-10-2019, 05:25 PM
Posts: n/a
These dreams are obviously a result of the book and your thoughts, beliefs and actions. The driver of the plane type thing that messed up is you. However, you've accepted responsibility for your actions and have made peace with it. Perhaps you've accepted the position that things don't always go as planned. The second dream seems to about embracing your feminine self at the sake of your masculine self. You will always be both aspects, whether in or out of body and this dream seems to point that you no longer love the masculine aspect of self. Perhaps you're too focused on the the feminine self. The people you went to HIGH school with or the school on HIGH, the school of higher thought represent spirit guides and spirit friends that are telling you about their lives in the UNITED states of being. They were used in the dream just to convey a point of being united and whole, which is what you're trying to accomplish. Lastly, the snow truck and snow represents that work needs to be done to thaw your emotions and feelings. You very clearly are in the process of doing just that, so continue that work. Allow yourself to feel and ask yourself why you feel the way you do. Examine your feelings and sit with them, but do not dwell with them unless they're pleasant. Remember that your feminine self is not weak. Just because it is passive and receptive, should not in anyways shape or form indicate weakness, for their is great strength and wisdom to be found in allowing one to receive and to open up and be receptive.

Last edited by Yaoughta : 02-10-2019 at 01:26 AM.
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