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Old 04-10-2016, 06:47 PM
lovetruth lovetruth is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 599
Blessings to Sarian, TheTruth and Beesliketoplay.

Dear ones, all of you are responsible for your actions and in turn, then, you are responsible for your lives. Outer mirrors are your reference on how you are

proceeding. If you are unhappy with what is being presented to you in life, then you must make changes to reflect something that is loving and responsive to

love. Do you see dear ones, how utterly simple it is to create change in yourselves and in your world? The old cannot create new, it must be dissolved and a

new image created to take its place. Creation is response and it is action; it is interaction with the outer but pours forth from the inner. Change is increase in

the flow of conscious desire. All conscious desire is based in free will and it can be used for the greater good or simply as a tool to increase ones own needs.

The consciousness of one who sees unity and brotherhood has greater power born of wisdom, for when one has released the lower selfish aspects for the

greater knowing of divine oneness; creation then stems from the universal viewpoint and its manifestations are increase for all being in this knowledge of

oneness. In other words, when one manifests for the whole out of love because of knowledge of the whole as one, one is working with the wisdom of the

universal mind and holds increased power to create change. As you unite in cause for the greater good of all, and when this is done with wisdom and

compassion, the world will not hesitate to shift to this greater consciousness. Compassion walks hand in hand with harmony, just as love begets love. There

can be no selfishness in oneness, because one holds the greater universal understanding that where there is no separation, one ever upholds self as all self,

thus there can only be increase when nothing is withheld from the all. Understand, dear ones, you are ever projecting your thoughts but the small selfish

thoughts are are swept away when the tide of universal love is acknowledged and accepted. The debris of many ages is washed away in the greater harmony of

love. Be willing, then to release the little and the old, for it does you no good to hold onto what is false. This, you see, is not you at all, but only the flimsy veil

of beliefs and habits that have lingered as projections before your tired eyes. Accept the greater and open your hearts to change, let the winds of change

scatter the debris of tiny dreams so that you can again see clearly your eternal, divine nature shine forth. Babaji
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