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Old 30-07-2011, 02:43 AM
Posts: n/a
Underlying Issue Is The Real Thing To Address

I wouldn’t attempt to remove this layer. Look at this in a holistic manner. Address whatever is causing the need to have this protection. When you address the underlying issue, your aura will automatically reflect this.

Your last reply noting the ‘inner self-saboteur’ being ‘quite the burden’ is VERY significant. We are often our own worst enemy.

One of the biggest issues we have to deal w/ is TRUSTing self. Have patience & compassion about getting over this as we’ve had millennia of messages, mostly, but not exclusively from organized religion that we are inherently flawed.

You’ve already taken first step of recognizing that this is an issue. This is vitally important & you should give your self a hearty congratulations for having taken it as this is often the hardest step to take. Appreciate how this affects your self esteem & decide if this is where you want to BE. It is your choice.

Now just begin to gently stop the negative self talk that accompanies it. Use your focused intent to shift how you think one unproductive thought at a time. It adds up quickly & changes one’s energy pattern immediately. Soon you will see self sabotaging as practically a different lifetime. Each & every time you halt corrosive negative self talk give your self a pat on the back.
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