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Old 05-05-2013, 12:24 PM
Posts: n/a
Stop drinking pop (soda)
Stop eating fast food
Grow your own food

Walk, then jog, then run - Humans are meant to run all day. We are meant to move and this sedintary lifestyle most of us lead, coupled with diets filled with empty calories leads to many health issues.

Dont call it a diet. For the most part if what you are reading calls itself a "diet" it should be avoided. Think of it as a lifestyle change. Mindset is a BIG deal.

Find motivation to do so. The main goal should be overall health, but some motivation like, looking good for someone, getting fit for a marathon, testing yourself, to help ailments..... there could be many reasons.

Dont deny yourself the foods you like. The point is moderation. Its much easier if you dont feel guilty after eating a slice of pie or cake, or eating too many cookies. The idea is to be concsious of what you are eating, and balancing it out in other ways.

Also, you should definitely talk to a dr or dietician. they may give you a better idea of what you need to do, or refer you to someone...

Last, dont think of it as "loosing weight", again, think of it as being healthy. Every person has a different body type. Some people will carry weight in different areas. Some people will get toned, while some people not as much. The point is, that you are being healthy, the rest will come naturally
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