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Old 20-04-2021, 07:35 AM
Unseeking Seeker Unseeking Seeker is offline
Join Date: Sep 2018
Location: Delhi, India
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A continuum of mindfulness, wherein our softened attention remains within reach of our active awareness, with continued practice, as a way of life, possibly blurs boundaries between layers of consciousness.

Reworded, taking the subconscious to be latent impressions and conscious to be our prioritised cognitions, once we deselect accordance of mind body (ego) related preference, we get nearer to a continuum of unbroken awareness, on an as is, where is basis.

Someone recently was asking about difference between waking, dreaming and deep sleep. Now, if we be relatively, in as much as able, impressionless, simply present, we may witness mind body slipping into sleep, whilst awareness is held still, effortlessly. On ‘waking up’, the mind body awakens whereas we always were awake. Just citing this as an illustration.

Likening subconscious to tamas, conscious to Rajas and meditation to sattva Guna of state of being, our affinity as of hearts desire births manifestations.

But what determines hearts desire? How may it be brought closer to Gods love vibration? These are matters for contemplation in aloneness.
The Self has no attribute
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