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Old 09-04-2020, 12:25 AM
FoxTracks FoxTracks is offline
Join Date: Mar 2019
Posts: 208
I feel I may be drawn to the community sooner than later, if only to see what it's about. There's a large community in my area, with regular pagan events/meetups. There are definitely covens here but I wouldn't know how to contact more than one. I don't think it's bad to share the path with others, necessarily.

I read a bit of the history of witchcraft in a book which mentioned gardner and cunningham, and how it's branched off. I like that it can be sort of a hodgepodge or a purist one selection of deities approach (Greek, Nordic etc.) My main problem was with certain core tenets (The way deity is thought of, in part, and the threefold law.) That, and the way certain associated people can appear... Or, possibly, act. But I should really see for myself.

I was reading a book by Doreen Valiente, which incidentally had a section on the rabbit, Lepus. I liked her witch's creed much better... Perhaps I can link it here.

I especially like the last paragraph in comparison to the threefold law (It has a second page, just scroll down.)
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