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Old 29-03-2020, 04:34 PM
FoxTracks FoxTracks is offline
Join Date: Mar 2019
Posts: 208
Some people drain people on accident, instinctually, without even placing a curse. it would fit an aggressive personality type.
It's possible to have negative energies and positive ones, at the same time or at different times (our auras aren't perfectly the same all around, and energy bodies are complex!)
I would want to take a look at what's going on energetically inside me. It's the surest way to confirm. A person who can look into your energies and see clearly should be able to "see" any curse thats been attached to you. I wouldn't personally use a method like the one you used, but seeing as the results came up so blatantly positive, it seems like it was an effective method for you!
A person who is experiencing an upset or is unstable would be a likely candidate for doing something like placing a curse or performing psychic attack, however, it's usually rare. What more often happens in my experience is that they are draining you unconsciously or they have some sort of negative attachment to less savory types or wounded beings that decided to attach themselves to you, too. It can be difficult to tell the difference between an attachment or curse at first glance, especially if you're not a witch ^.^ Trust your gut though! If something feels wrong energetically and it isn't coming from you, somethings off!
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