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Old 22-11-2019, 05:52 AM
Aknaton Aknaton is offline
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Originally Posted by Sunshine111
Still being in a dream state, dreaming after just about 4 hours of sleep, I woke up sensing energy and with my first thought being "Someone is sending me energy now" that followed with the questions "Who is sending me energy without my permission. I never asked for any energy to be sent to me so who is doing this and what kind of energy is this, while I am dreaming, waking me up from my dream as if it is essential to recall this and not just simply continue to my second even to my third dream?".

I decided not to fall asleep that would have resulted in this being wiped out from my memory as I never had this and as it usually takes place when I go back to sleep.

The dream I had just gets wiped out from my memory and do not remember this, if I go back to sleep which works wonders with nightmares or bad dreams, I do not wish or want to remember at all.

Along with the bad dream or nightmare, I do not wish or want to remember which is simply being resolved by falling asleep again, all negative emotions that went along with the bad dream or nightmare are getting wiped out as well.

This is the first time, I remember to have woken up after a relatively "good dream" with positive feelings stemming from the experience in the dream.

Here's My Just Before Midnight Dream,

I was a little child being held by a hand by "an elder" who was dressed in a dark robe and held a stick or what it looked like a stick in his left hand, being on the shore of a beach or river, both looking at a dark water of this.

"It is not safe to go in now, we will have to wait until the water gets clear for you to go in. When the water gets clear then, it will be safe for you to go in".

We stood there , with "the elder" to be holding my arm, at the exact and same position, not sitting down or moving looking at the water turning from dark to dark/greyish to dark/grey for hours.

For hours and hours standing still, just looking straight ahead at the water changing colour with each wave/movement and each movement of the waves gradually the water at the shore turning from grey to blue.

And, a more vibrant blue with each movement of the wave , while the water turning from muddy to crystal clear enabling me to see what was underneath.

The blue colour of the water united with the grey/muddy then the grey water with the black water on which I could no concentrate on and turned a blind eye to it.

All I could see was the very light blue colour of it and that I could see underneath it, what was there which got me excited and by pulling the hand of "the elder" , full of excitement, I exclaimed,

"Oh wow! Look at this colour of the water, so crystal blue , I can see everything that is underneath it. I can go in now! Let's go in, I want to go in now!".

"The elder" having not moved a single centimetre from his position but, stood his ground firmly and not even having changed the direction he was looking at but, continuing to look straight ahead at the water said to me,

"We have to wait more and you have to wait more until all water gets clear completely and not just at the shore. Then, it will be really safe for you to go in because, you don't want to go just into the water on the shore but, you want to go where you see darkness and to the dark water you see and for that, we have to wait and you have to wait more until it is completely clear and there is no darkness any more and all you see in the deep is what you see on the shore. All crystal blue everywhere you see the water and not just on the shore that you can see underneath".

I moved back to my position and from my excitement, next to "the elder" and in complete alignment with him.

And at this point, I woke up.

Lovely dream. This dream of yours Is talking about your Mind/Soul. This sage is a manifestation of God the father; the Ancient of days, and He is talking to your spirit about your Soul/Mind and it's sojourn/Soul-journ.

The Soul/Mind can be likened to an ocean and this Soul/Mind is what we investigate when we enter into our spiritual journey, for through here come a myriad of experiences.

It Is clear from my interpretation that you practice some form of meditation and are interested in that which oertains to the mystic life, if I may call it that. Having a good grasp on esoteric literature, especially the application of what buddhists refer to as loving kindness.

God the Father; the Ancient of Days stands as the Father of your spirit and the Guru of your soul and has given you lesson and instruction on how to go about your spiritual journey. After all, our spiritual journey consists a lot of finding out who we are and our identity is in our soul and eventually our spirit/essence.

But your soul/mind must be clear, not just on the shores but everywhere. Within your soul is housed the subconscious and conscious aspects of being, and both must be totally clear, and not one hidden and another revealed.

As you were in a hurry to enter into the spiritual journey to experience some part of your being, God the Father; the Ancient of Days said wait. And this goes to be a lesson for all of us. Everything that is a journey has risks. He says for you to "wait" & only when your soul/mind I clear, then can you go on and explore this spiritual journey through numerous practices at your disposal. But for now, the only practice you should do is "watching & waiting", or if you like, Watching and waiting meditation. When your mind is clear consciously and subconsciously and soul pure enough to reflect all-light, then you can truly begin the journey.

And notice, it's God the Father; the Ancient of Days who knows exactly when your soul/mind is clean, therefore, your journey starts in the bossom of the Father, which is Love Undifferentiated. Because if you did not abide in the Fathers love, you would have already ventured into the dark seas. It begins with Undifferentiated Love, the essence of the Father.

God the Father; the Ancient of Days bless you as you wait upon His word to go into the clearness and purity of your self. Go and shine.

Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.
John 16:7
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