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Old 05-08-2022, 07:49 AM
Sir Neil Sir Neil is offline
Join Date: Oct 2021
Location: Greater London
Posts: 944
Repetition is the agent of success. Aim for 1000 repetitions of an affirmation a day for 100 days, and then the thought gets registered subliminally. Sounds like a lot, but we think around 100’000 thoughts a day, and lots of them could be negative. Thinking 1000 positive ones a day is very powerful, because it registers them deeply into your mind (which is what a belief eventually is)

What you could do is to break them up, and do them in spurts of 100 throughout the day. This way, negative thinking doesn’t get the chance to gain a foothold in your daily thinking, because you will always have another affirmation ‘cluster’ coming up.
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