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Old 20-02-2024, 10:23 PM
Maisy Maisy is offline
Join Date: Jan 2022
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Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker
Or perhaps, religion is a great crutch to begin with to stabilize our mind but somewhere along the way, we must release it?

Religion doesn't really exist much in my house. There are a few "religious" statues or little figurines I rarely am aware of but when I notice them I don't really think much. I have a buddha statue above my desk I really like. It sometimes reminds me of something profound I think when I rarely notice it there. Total peace within and without. Zero religious authorities or priests or teachers and so on in my house. It's just me and a couple of others. So not really any religion here. A few "religious" books I rarely look at as well.

I'm not aware of anything here to release or be concerned about. Now sugar I am fighting though. I want to be 10 pounds lighter. Yea goodies are my only concern in my house. Oh and my mind of course. Learning to be empty and have no conflict within and without. This includes the sugar as what makes me eat too much or eat the wrong things? Well my body and it's mind.

Self discipline is a spiritual thing I think. Today I am fasting on just water. It feels wonderful! I like the feeling of having control over my body and it's mind. Hunger is there but I just ignore it. Then I forget it's there. That's like religion. I forget it exists a lot or am not aware of it. I'm busy with my attention on other things.

Release is an interesting word I think. I think it can be good or bad. Depends what one means by the word. I guess the first post was about an idea we are somehow carrying something we need to release. I don't think it's really about "release" as what do I have to do with what's in my brain! Lot's of junk in there. My thing would be to not pay it any mind. If my attention is not on my thoughts or thinking it doesn't matter one bit what's in there. Even if some religious thought came it doesn't really have any effect on me if I can ignore my thoughts. (Not have my attention on thinking.)

My consciousness can be just empty or on non-sense. Pleasant distractions and pleasures. I think if you ignore your thoughts and thinking a lot the brain stops making thoughts as there is no point for such an activity. But then in other ways maybe I think a lot. But thinking too is a complicated thing. Like having one's attention and identification on the brain produced interpretations of the now is very different from using thought to aide in the observation and analysis of thought itself. I think thought is a tool we can use or a thing that can create certain experiences in the now. So thought I think to can be good or bad. I think thought can be a way to aid liberation or the thing creating bondage in the first place.

Someone could say "I am thinking" but what that individual actually is and is doing is not the same in anyone. It may depend on how detached they are from thought for example or how aware they are of the difference between them (conscious awareness) and words in their thought stream.
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