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Old 14-02-2021, 10:05 AM
Godspark Godspark is offline
Join Date: Nov 2020
Posts: 56
I don't know whether it bridges a gap between atheists and theists, whether that gap even needs a bridge? I always felt like reality is an illusion growing up but even then didn't question god or religion until I underwent a spontaneous spiritual awakening.

My opinion is that nature isn't undefined. Nature is beautiful, nature can be gentle and nurturing and also violent and destructive. Much like humans really, and in fact we are made of natural materials, born out of nature. Everything is connected, we are made of the same star dust, breathe the same air, made of same materials. As to whether nature is conscious, we are conscious, so why wouldn't it be? animals are also conscious and this is evident as they can feel pain, and will display they are in pain if hurt. People have had experiences talking to tree's before, shamans in the amazon do it regularly when they take ayahuasca which opens up their pineal gland/third eye. Heck, I don't usually admit it but I've done it myself just through simple pranayama breathing techniques.

There is obviously a huge difference in the level of consciousness between humans, animals, insects, and plants - my question is whether its a variation in the type of consciousness, or if the consciousness is same but awareness not at a high enough level? Or does it have more to do with spiritual advancement in terms of progression from a single cell right up to the level of godhood?
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