Thread: Deer Season!!!!
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Old 04-12-2018, 05:49 PM
Lucky 1 Lucky 1 is offline
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Originally Posted by ImthatIm
I agree.
Adaption exists. Fact. What makes adaptation possible? I say Spirit and mind changes the physical form.
Did monkeys adapt to humans or did monkeys adapt from Humans according to scientists? Including all science from when time began. Not just modern/natural science. Or did Humans and monkeys adapt from a single ancestor? Maybe monkey is a dying strand of adaptation. My science proves that.
Evolution and it's theory evolved as a movement.(they moved in one direction. Prove God does not exist ((ME NO LIKE GOD))
The law I believe in ( Not theory ) is the law of Spirit and Truth. The hypothesis has been proven from countless observations by countless people and there is countless mounds of science based papers and writing. Spirit and Truth has transitioned from theory to law by experimental reproduction, fixed in it's single outcome.Same as Newton's law. Some know the correct experimental procedures other have incomplete procedures.
A heap of dry bones has neither Spirit nor Truth. Just some pieces of a puzzle that a movement uses to play 3 card Monty. Fact bones were found. They 'speak' something lived and something died. I was generous allowing 2 hole pieces from a 1000 piece puzzle.In reality scientist probably only have .00001% bone fragments of 10,000,000,000 possible full skeletons . You can not prove I am wrong.Fact. (amoeba/monkey/chicken or egg same thing)
Einstein's theories, Now that's some theories.
Big bang, I don't doubt it. prove who or what created the bang. Proving a creator that's my kind of science.

In science......(and Gem touched on this) a theory is based on the "best facts as we know them.

So when I hear people say....well....its not fact....its just a theory..they don't have an understanding of how science works....a theory is considered 'the facts' at that time in science.

And if something comes along that changes the facts then the theory is modified to accommodate that.....that is how science works.

As for evolution....and you will often hear it called the theory of evolution....and it is not! .......It is the "Theory of Natural Selection"

And the Theory of Natural Selection is not complicated.....ALL that it says is that living things change over time (evolve-adapt) to suit their environment or due to environmental pressures of some sort.......That's it!

And the fact that living creatures change over time due to environment is something that can be seen and studied.

Darwin made his case for this by observing those changes in real time....some species actually change very rapidly in response to their environment....others change very very slowly......or if they are unable to change (adapt-evolve) either at all....or fast enough...that species dies out.....and that can and has been observed too.

But through observation and the fossil record the changes can be seen so in my mind The Theory of Natural Selection come across as scientifically valid.

Now science is all about facts and what can be observed in our world......other things that are not part of science...coming under the heading of faith....those things fall outside of science and enter the realm of religion and the spiritual.....and to me there is not really a conflict between the two
Yes I Am a Pirate! 200 years too late....the cannons don't thunder...there's nothing to plunder...I'm an over 40 victim of fate!

Maybe we're all here because we ain't all there????

If you're lucky enough to have been born in're lucky enough!
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