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Old 20-01-2021, 08:52 AM
Busby Busby is offline
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Originally Posted by hazada guess
In my opinion, it is all in your mind. If you think you will go to hell, you will end up there. Hell doesn't really exist, it is all in your head at the time of your passing. Eventually you will be pulled out of that scenario. I also agree with iamthat.But eventually we will find out for sure one day

There's a song, quite popular a few years ago 'What you believe is true', and so it is.
True reality (the only one we can know) is represented by the world in which we live - and oddly we all live in different worlds but the premises we accept reflect and form the attributes and values which we hold as being valid.
The world in which we live is a world of matter, of material, of, to us, invisible energy residing in atoms which combine into molecules and then create forms of all kinds.
The cause of all these forms is simply mind, we are nothing other than mind and matter - and these two elements or aspects is all there is. Mind is a creator of blueprints.
The power of the human mind - as we call it, allowed you to create yourself in your mother's womb. There are other aspects of mind which are visible and form the outside world(s) as we know them. Other aspects of the same mind in fact.
It follows that there is no real truth, anything approaching real truth is created by imaginations of all kinds.

When we die there is no soul or spirit which continues. There is only that part of you which we call consciousness or awareness, this awareness, a constant giver and receiver of feedback, moves in free 'space' to mainly observe its own existence.
This awareness is part of a constant evolution - an evolution devoted to turning the chaos of its beginning into the last possible perfection. (we call this 'perfection', using our innate knowledge, 'Heaven'.)

That Vietnamese rice planter, up to his knees in water probably has a better idea of why he is here than does the Pope in his finery.

The constantly promoted belief (induced by religions) that we are born to be good and obey (in order to enter heaven) is a tragic error in the concept of the universe's plan and an insult to mankind's intellect.

'A clear conscience is the sure sign of a bad memory'
- Mark Twain.
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