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Old 02-08-2018, 05:36 AM
LibbyScorp LibbyScorp is offline
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: PNW - US
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Stiff neck. Stress tension. Power yoga.

I've been doing hot yoga for a while now. But since my daughter has been out of school for summer, I haven't been able to go as often. Maybe twice a week. Also, I experienced some burn out as I was doing classes 5-6 days a week for months.

It has been weeks since I've done a power flow class because of schedule conflict. Hatha has been my only availability. Tonight I was elated to make a power class!! The teacher is known for doing more advanced work and to be honest, I wanted to walk out the door when I saw her LOL. But I stayed. Working through and facing that fear, I ended up getting exactly what my entire body, heart, mind and soul needed!

She began to go through the most beautiful heart opening sequences I have ever experienced. Very unique flows that opened and got deep down into my shoulders and back. The past few weeks, the tension in my muscles has been growing. Today, waking up with a stiff neck, the stress came to a head. From pose to pose, I was savoring the sweetness of release. It was orgasmic and almost tear filled.

After class, I just couldn't stop thanking her. Some other people and I sat around with her and had the most amazing conversation about heart opening and stress relief. I lay here in bed just so thankful. So grateful for this practice. Man, the energy centers and channels within my body and mind feel so free. My intention tonight was "let go and let God" with every movement upon breath, it was as if I was painting my space with water color. All many colors of energy. It brought back those feelings. Those emotions. The knowing. That i am fully supported and to trust. Trust that it's as it should be. Everything. And to open up to possibility.

Ah. So peaceful. Goodnight.
City and Colour - Grand Optimist
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