Thread: States of Being
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Old 01-06-2019, 08:40 PM
Starman Starman is offline
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Fish States of Being

What we call “the afterlife” is actually this life, as there is only one continuous life,
and we label various expressions of that one life. There is truly no other side,
there is only our perception of what we call “a physical world and a
spiritual world.” Reality is a matter of perception.

We are said to be human beings, which is to say that we are in a human state of being.
There are countless states of being and most of them defy labeling. They can not be
named or labeled. Fact is, nothing in the universe is what
we call it here on Earth anyway.

We think that just because we name something and call it by that name, we know what it is.
Actually all we know is what we call it. There are many levels, or states of being. Mental states,
emotional states, physical states, and yes, what we call spiritual states. But actually there is
really only one true state of being.

Truth is that which is permanent, everlasting, etc., but there are many perceived levels of truth.
They, like the many states of being, are transitory. They are transitions, stepping stones to
something else that is transitory. That which is permanent is always with us; it is not a stepping stone.

It is beyond comprehension and does not fit in our thoughts, our words, or our ideas.
It can not be put in a picture and framed, yet it is ever with us. Lots of people know
that there are drops in the ocean but many have yet to realize that the ocean is also in the drop.
We are as those drops in the ocean.

Expressions of the Self, or what we call the afterlife. Levels or realms that are closest to
the Earth resemble life here on Earth. The earth is a living being and at the time of
physical human death we transcend into the consciousness of the Earth. But those who
have prepared themselves can go beyond the Earth’s consciousness.

The more we transcend the greater, vaster, and finer the realms become. People often ask “what does it look
like in the “afterlife” but I find the greatest impact is what does it feel like. You will not see through
physical eyes as you have left your physical body behind. What you will see will be more dynamic and vivid
than what you could have ever seen through physical human eyes.

The body that you will have will be of a similar composition as the realm where you dwell. Like here on
Earth our human body is two thirds water, just like the Earth, and it is suited for this Earth environment.
The body that you have in the afterlife will be suited for the realms’, or environment, where
you dwell in the afterlife.

There are realms that look just like it does here on Earth, there are realms of nothing but radiant
loving energy, realms that are airy and realms that are very fluid, etc., etc., etc. All of these realms
have different sensations and your body, or covering, will be similar to the realm you are in.

Soul travel is done by letting go. The more you let go inside the freer divine energy can flow through
you and carry you, and the more you will expand. Your consciousness can become one with everything
and you will experience that one-ness. But whatever we hold on to can hold us back. Most can not let
go until they have repented or satisfied some cosmic debt.

“If my heart weights more than a feather then I carry too much weight.” By weight it is meant the
core of our being, burdens that we consciously or unconsciously carry. These are the things that
can hold us back. I am a firm believer that those with unfinished business or who carry great
burdens will most likely reincarnate back here on Earth to work on transforming themselves and letting go.
It may take many lifetimes.

I write this from having had many out-of-body experiences, and other experiences, near death, etc.
Yes, the human mind can play many tricks on you, but when the experience involves much more than
just seeing, when the experience feels more real than just the reality of life in a human body.

No experience is really objective, it is only those who are outside of our experience that can speak
to it in a seemingly objective way. It is difficult for us to be objective with ourselves, although insights
do provide a window into our own subjective experiences. We each will know the truth by finding it,
and our spiritual truths are the most intimate of things we will ever know.
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