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Old 01-03-2014, 02:43 PM
Posts: n/a
I was raised Catholic- went to the schools,church. I thought raising him the same way was what I was suppose to do. It backfired on me. He ask to be taken out of the Catholic School after 6th grade. So, I put him in a public school and realized that the Catholic Religion wasn't for me or him- there just was not enough enthusiasm. So, we started going to a Christian Church. We both loved the music and the service- but for some reason- we both felt like we just did not fit in- and the church was just way to big. My son is a wonderful person. He is everything a mother would want her child to be. He has never caused me any problems and we have always been real close. He is good to others and is very emotional. I prayed on it and I got a overwhelming sense of Peace over me and that everything will be ok- he will be ok- and to just trust in the future for him. So, that is what I have done. He listens to what I have to say and even is taking it to heart. He said he has to have proof right in front of him. I told him proof is everywhere.
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