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Old 11-02-2017, 08:20 PM
William 辰 William 辰 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 168
Originally Posted by lilith
Empaths pick up other's energy and emotions no matter are others empaths or non-empaths. Empath could be more sensitive to giving others space, so would be a better choice in my opinion. Non-empaths could hurt the empaths easier.
I don't think blocking other's energy is that useful when being lightworker, but rather feeling and releasing it. I don't understand the part why can't one be lightworker and empath at the same time.
I don't know. I don't even belong to this forum about Light Workers & Earth Angels. I think it's my first post here. I'd be glad to learn.

First of all; don't let anybody tell you how things work or what you need to do. Wherever you are. Evaluate posts using your own intuition.

Second, for the sake of explaining my own post.
Haven't you had those days when everybody around you was feeling happy or OK, but you just couldn't help but feeling lonely or lost? Whatever the cause, that right there is proof that love and happiness comes from within, not from other people or conditions you can not control. When you take in other people's energy, you can not feel your own. And your own energy is what is responsible for your happiness.
Blocking may not be the right word. Of course, allow yourself to feel others energy just enough to know how to react, or not to react. Not any more than that. Just one quick look at them will be enough to know for sensitive people anyway. But do not get drowned in their energy. Otherwise you'll only get disconnected from yourself, from that happy energy. And if you don't feel happiness yourself, you can not give it to others.
Lightworkers and Empaths aren't opposites. Not at all. They are closely related. But because of the way emotions work, you can not be both at the same time. Like I said, the difference is just a way of dealing with energy.
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