Thread: Pollution Kills
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Old 30-10-2017, 11:48 AM
Busby Busby is offline
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Originally Posted by Starflower
I too, saw that report, Explorer21. It made me sad to think that mankind is suffering so much by the decisions made be wealthy corporations and all their networks.

These corporations are only wealthy and powerful because we buy the stuff they put on the market. It's that simple.

We have developed our lives in such a way that we are all consumers and the economy depends upon us continuing to consume.

We would quickly be shouting if we had no hot water in our homes, or if there were no more oil or petrol for our cars. Do we really need iphones and pcs? The people in those wealthy corporations are consumers too and understand that they are doing their work to keep everyone happy.

We know very well that all governments should immediately ban all plastics, and they should do this tomorrow - but, but, but...
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