Thread: Annhelen
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Old 14-09-2021, 11:00 PM
Annhelen Annhelen is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2021
Posts: 3
Here's the story: My son was setting up my new computer, transferring data files, etc. and I noticed one titled, "The Death of Mortality - an Urgent Message for humanity" from Archangel Michael. At the back of this pdf file/book was a note from the anonymous transcriber, "Christopher Larson", whose note on how he would sit down and transcribe this "download" even though he never liked sitting for any length of time at the computer - was compelling. I don't know where I picked up this file and it rather shocked me, especially since I am going through some parallel happenings. Synchronicity. But, I figure I downloaded it a long time ago and no longer have any memory of it. Very well could be the answer, given my age, etc. But I have looked everywhere with searches on the internet and can't find this particular document, nor the transcriber as such, anywhere. I thought maybe one of you might have some information. Archangel Michael, in this instance, states he is one of a group, all known as that name. Evidently the transcriber, Larson, is not in the business of making a few dollars out of this, at all. He gave a run down on the document, stated he couldn't vouch for it, was moved by the love expressed by the Messenger, and finished by saying it was difficult to believe.
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