Thread: Spirit talk
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Old 10-01-2022, 02:21 AM
JoeColo JoeColo is offline
Join Date: Dec 2020
Location: Colorado, U.S.A.
Posts: 134
I thought it was soul that chose the "difficult lessons" that are a large part of Earthly reality, that Earth was designed by soul, for soul. I wouldn't say that at any time are souls indifferent towards their incarnate personalities, but that the latter, in concert with our concretist society, gravitate towards increased separation within awareness from their souls. Souls give out hints, but these can be like whispers, drowned out by the louder noise of everyday life.

Once this wall has been established, it can be very difficult for the incarnate personality to make contact with their soul, even if they wanted to, which many do not. To many, or even most, a soul is something they have, not something they are.

Concrete reality is highly distracting from anything of a spiritual nature, in some ways more so now than 100-200 years ago, when belief in God was so much stronger. Obviously, reality is not so concrete for members of these forums, as for the general public.

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