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Old 05-08-2022, 01:38 AM
Empowers Empowers is offline
Join Date: Jun 2018
Posts: 234
Spiritual Retreat Content

Hi all!

I have some free time coming up and I've decided to create a spiritual retreat for myself. I'm looking for some recommendations for some content. Let me explain...

I have created a schedule of exercise, meditation, nature walks, even a different diet for a couple weeks. For a portion of each afternoon, I would like to include exposure to something new, whether it's reading a chapter on a book, watching a lecture or listening to a podcast. The only requirement is that it has to be spiritual in nature. This could be from a cultural religious or spiritual system, or it could be metaphysical.

I'm hoping you lovely people can give me some recommendations, especially if you have a specific portion of the material that you are recommending. For instance, a particular chapter, issue, episode.

Part of the retreat is that, on each afternoon, I will do a reflection on how I resonate with what I have just learned.

I am hoping this self-constructed retreat will help me find some long awaited clarity.

So... any recommendations?


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