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Old 17-04-2015, 02:11 AM
GemDragon09 GemDragon09 is offline
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Originally Posted by Tesla_Rain
I remember long ago, I carved a pentacle and a pitchfork into each of my ankles.
Can someone shed some light on this? I dont know why I did it other than I was a teenager, just playing around. Looking back, it was kind of a weird thing to do.
But now I feel it was for a reason.
I would like to hear stories of how you became a pagan, did it just happen, is it something you can remember always being?
What does it mean to be pagan? I dont want to be tossed from faith to faith, again, but find something permanent to believe in.

Could you elaborate more on your story? What you were doing, where you were, did you actually carve it into your skin or did you mean draw? Things like that.
Just because you "carved" something onto your ankles doesn't mean you're Pagan, lol. If you feel a calling to Paganism you can definitely look up some sites, reading material and read some posts on here with lots of replies and stars.
The thing with faith is that it's okay to change. To remain static, or stagnant, isn't a healthy thing. You want to learn and grow with your life and experiences and become a better person and maybe find out something important about yourself and those around you.

Paganism it's a thing all on it's own either, Paganism or Polytheism is an umbrella term. You can be Pagan, but what kind? Do you feel drawn or Norse or African deities? All of them? Maybe none? You can be Pagan and not directly associate with a single God/dess. You can be NeoPagan or Wiccan or into Druidism. You can be Christian-Pagan mix too, where you pray to angels and good ol' JC. You need to search yourself and see, what do you believe in? What can you have an open mind about?

Are you talking about a pitchfork, as in a devil's pitchfork? Or the Trident of Neptune? Or Bident of Pluto? How many prongs did it have? Did it have a long or short handle? Arrow tips?

The devil's pitchfork is just a satirical symbol used in Christian demonology and shows. Ever seen cartoons with the devil sitting on the person's shoulder? It wasn't meant to be taken seriously. And isn't really just a Pagan symbol unless you're talking about a specific one.

Don't erase race or culture.
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