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Old 11-10-2018, 01:57 AM
SerendipityLizard SerendipityLizard is offline
Join Date: Jun 2017
Posts: 420
Haha, interspace discrimination. Human beings have so much trouble dealing with racism on their planet these days, so sometimes I wonder how they'd manage to deal with specism. I get the sense that's why "they" haven't visited us openly yet, haha. You guys need to get your s*** together first, lol.

Good reptilians are often very brave, big hearted, loyal and protective. If you want to get a good description, then you can check enneagram for the type 8 personality and what they're like as "integrated". In enneagram, there's a healthy and unhealthy version of each type, and the integration shows them at their highest. I find other planets tend to have a more narrow choice of personalities compared to Earth, so if you label certain species with specific types, that wouldn't be generalizing much.

There's a book called Personality Types by Don Riso if you want to see the 9 levels of unhealthy to healthy in each type. It's organized from healthiest to unhealthiest level, but I like to read it from the unhealthiest to healthiest level. More inspring that way, haha. You know you're discriminating when you only know what a type is like at their unhealthy levels, and idealizing when you only know a type in its healthiest levels. I think lots of discrimination in the world would be solved if we focused on noticing how there are gray areas in certain attitudes, and more complexities in them too.
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