Thread: The Nag Hammadi
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Old 03-11-2021, 05:08 AM
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Revisiting and in conclusion of the Flood story as well as the asteroid belt, depending on who your asking your gonna get different times on when the asteroid belt was formed. Some say billions of years ago some half a million years ago while others say hundreds of thousands of years ago. The Tiamaat catastrophe is however much more recent.

In the antediluvian times the Archons (The Authorities) wanted to pollute the pure spirited bloodline so that they would be corrupted and polluted enough so that if enough of they're kind did this they would have the spirited humans under they're control and subsequently have full control over matter. They planned to have the seed of Earth woman and use the offspring as host. This bloodline was the bloodline of Noah. The Authorities knew there was a flaw with spirit and that the masculine part of it lay dormant so they decided to take advantage of this and took on Sophia's masculine part of spirit and this is when we hear "having committed adultery with Sophia" This brought about some major problems!

"And he created a plan with his powers. He sent his angels to the daughters of men so that they might take some of them for themselves, and they might raise a seed, to be a respite for them. And at first they were not successful, but when they did not succeed, they gathered together again and made another plan. They created a despicable spirit in the likeness of the Spirit who had descended so that through it they might pollute the souls".

The Apocryphon of John (Long version)

When had come to know of they're decision he warned Noah/Utnapishtim to build an ark and told him to make it space tight! Depending on who's telling the story and the intention and or motive behind the message we are going to hear different things. In one account of the texts admits to creating a flood to wipe everything out and he repents for having created humans. Another account says he knew of the Archons decision who took council and agreed to create a flood while in the more ancient texts it is there where they say that Prince En.lil Jr aka Ninurta wanted to cause a Flood and instigated it. The ones who are saying this also claim that En.lil Jr is YHWH/Jehova and this simply is not the case at all.
When the Archons weren't successful they created the artificial soul to have they're souls coming from different places in the Milky Way galaxy envelop them. This new type of soul is what are commonly known as organic portals, extreme narcissist, psychopaths, and sociopaths whom we see in todays world as well. They are empty vessels so to speak as they lack spirit completely!

"The Rulers took council with one another and said "come let us cause a Flood with our hands and obliterate all flesh from man to beast"

The Hypostasis of The Archons

Around 13,000 years ago Christ (the perfect pronoia of the 8th & 9th Heaven) descended down to Tiamaat/Earth to wake the spirited humans up. Since the chief creator decided to create a Flood and wipe out and destroy his own creations nothing could be done at the time towards's redemption as he could not be redeemed at that point and the spiritual forces were running out of time. Christ descended with some Vegans and Vulcans and he brought Saboath/Ninurta with him to approach the spirited humans, this triggered and set off the Titanmonchy or War of The Titans aka The War in Heaven.

"Now, they were completed in this way up to the sixth heaven, the one belonging to Sophia. And the heaven and its earth were disrupted by the troublemaker, who was beneath all of them. The six heavens trembled, for the powers of chaos knew who it was who disturbed the heaven beneath them. And when Pistis knew of the harm caused by the troublemaker, she blew her breath, and she bound him and cast him down to Tartarus".

On the Origins of The World

The previous version of our planet (Earth/Tiamaat) existed in the 6th Heaven (Saturn is the 7th Heaven) and that construct was not as solid and could house giants and other lifeforms more suitably. At the height of the chaos Christ, Saboath and the remaining Vulcans and Vegans along with some spirited humans fled through the Saturn stargate at the last moments and since that day the stargate has been closed and guarded on both sides. This was the end or "great reset" of the old construct and was the destruction of Tiamaat, the second Atlantis thus was the whole planet and it perished in the Deluge. The asteroid belt is just another mimic or copy of the original mirrored all the way down the dimensions here in 3-D.

After having learned that he was deceived by the Authorities after haven been enlightened by Eleleth the Aeon from the spirit realm ie the void he (Noah) and some spirited humans withdrew.

"They went into a place and hid themselves in a luminous cloud. And he (Noah) recognized his authority, and she who belongs to the light was with him, having shone on them because he (the chief archon) had brought darkness upon the whole earth"

The Apocryphon of John (Short version)

Thus the pure spirited bloodline (The Seth line which is a metaphor for the bloodline of the spirited line of humans kept pure from corruption and pollution by the rulers) continued on in the current construct and this is the bloodline of Shem. This is us, the general population of Earth. Not everything was wiped out in the Deluge contrary to what some texts may say. used the remnants and debris from Tiamaat/Earth to create the new Earth. Gaia still very much exists and was never destroyed we now however live in a more isolated part of Gaia within the dome. This is why aquatic wildlife and some deep sea creatures exist today, because they survived and were caught within the dome. This is why we find ancient structures and pyramids along with other parts of the world in tact, this is also why we see petrification around the planet in the form of mountains and other landscape. The event/catastrophe captured living beings whom some could be some of the first humans in the First Atlantis that are now petrified while others are various giants that succumbed in the War of The Titans. There are other beings that got trapped here as well. What UFOlogist are calling some ET's are actually terrestrials. Such species are bigfoot, The Grays and the Reptoids. These star races got trapped here within the Dome some time ago and are thus terrestrials!

After the Deluge some 6,000 years ago, the new "Adam" was created! The new human now called Homo Sapiens sapiens (The Thinking Man) was created and this is us, the common man. used the same dna used to create Homo sapiens but made some adjustments and improved it slightly. Two versions of the same species was created. One is us, the general population (called Adapa before the Deluge) and the other is The Global Elite (called Adama before the Deluge) who's DNA is very different than us, the common man, whom also have higher intelligence and who's souls are not from here (The solar system called Araidu by some star races). The Authorities then continued to create the artificial soul they created before the Deluge but this time they decided to give us something that came from them, they gave us "their" mind. This is the War we humans are in the middle of, the war of the human mind! This could very well be or even remotely compared to world war 3!

Last edited by Ghaleon : 03-11-2021 at 01:39 PM.