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Old 13-08-2023, 05:29 AM
Forest Forest is offline
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Posts: 6
Knowing Your Spirit Animal

You will know a true spirit animal, because the experience will be profound. By experience I mean in both waking life and in dreams. Perhaps you are having an unusually deep thought and a spirit animal might appear to confirm your thought or give you hope. Or perhaps a spirit animal may come to you in a profound dream. Often these dreams are more lucid than most. Perhaps your whole life you have felt drawn to specific animals...they tug at your spirit in a strong way...often in a kindred way.

Some spirit animals are lifetime guides...reminding you of who you really are and to guide you along your life to your destiny. You will see them throughout important moments in your life, before you or in dreams throughout your life. Some spirit animals may come into your life briefly, aligned with whatever life experience you are journeying through, to show you the right way along at that time.
There is no right or wrong here. Or specific rules. Each individual's path is unique to them. You will feel deeply within you what animal is calling your spirit. Be open to their signs and messages.
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