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Old 13-02-2019, 09:38 PM
Lucky Lucky is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
Posts: 527
Sapphirez, thank you first of all for taking the time to write all of this. Secondly, I enjoy reading your posts because your personality is so much like mine when I'm speaking (example:supercalafragalisticexpialidocious, magical-ness, etc...gotta keep it fun, right?). Also, you've explored so many different things like I have.

Actually, I am already familiar with eft tapping, I bought a book by nick ortner but haven't read it yet, however I've watched his videos and subscribe to his emails. Also, Donna Eden and David Feinstein I just love them together...I've watched her videos as well and can appreciate her techniques and philosophy. Her story is quite amazing too!

The thing is, I guess why I posted this, is because I'm looking to focus in on one tried and true modality since reiki is kind of all over the place with every reiki person practicing different things and having different beliefs. I want something that has more tangible results with instant gratification...not just for release of emotions but for like energy drain and physical things. I just met with a new friend/healer/psychic today that recommended qigong and she also wants to do quantum healing hypnosis on me...

Ahhhh.....sooooo many things....

I loved your little story about your grandma and the flowers and your epiphanies by the way. I've had many synchronicities and epiphanies like this's pretty wild.
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