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Old 07-06-2021, 01:48 PM
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Originally Posted by MikeS80
Yes, a person's unconscious creates his/her perceptions of his/her external reality. Perception is based purely on memory and thoughts of/about the past and future, while consciousness and awareness takes place in the present moment. Spirituality is not about the spiritual/non thinking vs the physical/thinking (which some people will say is the non-spiritual and includes the ego, mind and body). Spirituality is more about a person creating with his/her false/negative beliefs of his/her future and thinking about the future, which creates false perceptions vs a person creating with consciousness and awareness based thoughts in the present moment....
What we remember most is not the actual event itself but the emotional response, and sometimes the memory of the emotional response can remain long after any memory of what caused it. Sometimes remembering the event will cause a 'cascade' of associations with the event itself but the feelings are what are in the 'foreground'. Emotions that are not dealt with directly - and as importantly the root causes of an emotional response - are pushed into the Shadow Self, which includes suppressing them.

The unconscious processes any reactions/responses we have to both internal and external events and as a Spanish psychologist described it, the process involves a 'committee' of unconscious aspects, the members of which depends on what is being processed at the time. Two of the main protagonists are cognitive behaviour and cognitive dissonance, which I've mentioned before in relation to the unconscious. Destructive/negative cognitive behaviour is behaviour which does not assist in the process of coming to a successful outcome, as in one that is beneficial to one's well-being. Trying to think positive when everything you feel is pretty 'negative' is not constructive cognitive behaviour, nor are guilt complexes for instance or assigning blame. Cognitive dissonance happens when information is received that is contradictory to established beliefs and brain patterns and often results in an inability to process. Someone might not believe this has happened to them.

Also part of that from an historical context is the Shadow Self, and sometimes undealt-with emotions can well up from the Shadow Self and further impact the emotional response the person is having at that time. That too can 'colour' perceptions. Self esteem and how we perceive ourselves also have a 'seat on the committee' ands those can affect how we perceive ourselves, and relative to that is is how we perceive the wider reality. And yes, beliefs too if the person holds them. All of those and more contribute to our "Sense of I am," which is the ego that 'filters' our reality. The ego and the unconscious are in a symbiotic relationship with each other. The unconscious with all of its 'contents' is the framework for the "Sense of I am" or ego and the ego is the 'gateway' to our internal reality.

Spiritual wholeness seems to be very different from psychological wholeness, Spiritual wholeness seems to be more about agenda and projection of an imagined persona than anything else.

We are in a consciousness loop with the Universe and the Universe doesn't discriminate as to what is Spiritual or not, or what is good for us or not or what is truth or not. That is the differentiated consciousness of the ego. And if Atman is everything and we are Brahman and therefore Atman, what is not aligned with truth or Atman? Contradictory statements are the statements of destructive cognitive behaviour.

Regardless, we have a perception of linear time and perception is reality. We can sit here and go through all the ideologies and theologies that says there is no time and understand them completely, yet we know full well that time passes. And no, the present moment doesn't negate memories of the past because we carry them with us regardless - they're helping to 'colour' our perceptions right here, right now. They are a part of who and what you perceive yourself to be and without them, you wouldn't be 'you'.

The person that turns the mind, body and ego into the bad guy has a dissociative personality and doesn't like themselves very much, and has an unbalanced ego. Instead some project a persona and identify with that instead because it's more favourable than the truth of who and what they are.

Last edited by Miss Hepburn : 25-06-2021 at 10:01 AM. Reason: Shortened quote as Admin has asked to 2-3 sentences
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