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Old 17-10-2011, 09:32 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by John32241
It is my understanding that anger is another form of fear. Actually anything that is not heart centered, is not a loving energy.

I am inclined to suggest telepathic healing sessions for you. Some would call this distance healing. It would involve me with your higher self, soul self, and that diverse subconscious self.

May I ask if that idea is appealing?


i don't have anger. anger is very mild and fear is mild. i'm EXTREME and very far beyond those levels and i have been for very many years. it's not anger, it's not rage ... it's FURY and after fury comes wrath. fear is mild. i don't think i ever knew fear ... i was born into TERROR. after terror is Kinetic Energy (how could i possibly know that?).

there is a part of me that *likes* the idea of "healing" but the realistic part of me knows way better than that. its like i'm condemned for knowing too much.
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