Thread: Meeting a fairy
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Old 31-07-2020, 03:56 PM
Ordnael Ordnael is offline
Join Date: Jul 2017
Location: Himavanta
Posts: 393
Was in a room of an apartment watching tv and crying my eyes out, wanting to be released from this life so that I could ascend. Was watching a fantasy movie with wizards conjuring dragons to battle each other on top of hills. I was in my teenage years.

Then all my family members were angry and treating me poorly, so I imagined that I was one of those wizards conjuring dragons to attack them. Though no dragon appeared, the idea made me laugh.

I went in front of a window and left the building flying. Imagined there was an eagle beneath me helping me fly, but I didn't see it. It was afternoon. As I kept on flying over the city it became night. Tried to connect with my Higher Self while I flew, conjuring a magical object in my hand, but it didn't work. Didn't see the heavenly rope that I hold in some experiences either.

Was looking for beings and places I'm familiar with, like angels or gods. Usually I find interesting things on the upper levels of buildings, but this time I flew until I landed on the streets.

Saw a multitude of different beings, they looked like they were out of the Alice in Wonderland movie, or maybe like a scene from Spirited Away, when Chihiro is crossing the bridge with Haku and sees all those uncanny nature spirits. Only they did not have animal forms but strange humanoid forms.

I didn't wish to interact with them, so I walked around looking for someone I could identify as an angel. Then my fairy friend found me and called me. I wouldn't have noticed her, I said "Hey, good to see you again." She said "What are you looking for?" I answered "I want to connect with my Higher Self and ascend with you."

We walked around holding each other like we use to, then she took me to a temple where her relatives were sitting on chairs. They were adults and we were kids, two women, I think one was her mother.

She arranged a chair for me to sit between her and her relatives, but it was uncomfortable to pass in front of them, because the row of chairs in front of them was too close, I would literally have to walk over them, so I decided to sit on a chair in the row behind them.

The fairy grabbed her purse, pulled an Ipod Nano with earbuds attached and gave it to me. She said she protected it from the storm. It had interesting colours, I was about to check it out when I woke up.

I'm wondering if she connected me with my Higher Self by giving me that object, it is not the object I was trying to materialize during the flight, but my Higher Self usually does that to me, appearing in unexpected ways that I'm unable to recognize.
My words of wisdom: Every civilization wishes to serve the Deity, but they can only do so to the extent of their wisdom and justice. & The greatest religious revelation is the correct interpretation of the things in the sky.
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