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Old 05-03-2006, 11:20 AM
silver swan
Posts: n/a
Hi , I went to see a transfiguration medium last night at my spiritualist church. It is the first time that I have been to a transfiguration so I was unsure what to expect.

The medium began with a hymn, then a prayer. The lights were then turned off . A black screen had been placed on the back wall behind the rostrum, and two lamps were switched on, one either side of the medium.

He then sat for an hour and what happened next was amazing!

I cannot describe how amazing it was! The mediums face slowly began to change, and take on the appearance of various relatives of those present who had passed into spirit! We were encouraged to talk and if we recognised anyone, to ask if it was them. No messages were given, although the medium spoke through spirit to say whether or not it was the person in question.

My friend Starlight and myself both recognised people, and had it verified. There were two ladies in front of us who commented afterwards that they had seen nothing. This led me to wonder whether a certain level of awareness was needed by the observer, in order for them to "SEE."

I myself believe that these spirits were happy to be able to communicate with their loved ones in this way. I know that I myself would want to give comfort to those left behind. I believe that by giving this comfort, it enebles a healing to take place. The relatives on the earth plain are comforted to know that their loved ones are alright, and the relatives in spirit are freed to move on, knowing that they have comforted those still on the earth plain.

It is my opinion that mediums are healers. xxxx

with love and light x

Last edited by silver swan : 05-03-2006 at 11:39 AM.